Made In His Image

Made in His Image and for His Purpose

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27)

Since 1989, we’ve posed the question: “We asked her not to abort…Now What?” Being pro-life isn’t exclusively pro-birth. It means caring for the unborn, the infant, the child, the teenager, the young adult, the adult, and the senior. As an organization committed to serving teen moms and their children, we are trying to live out our belief that all life is created by God and, therefore, precious.

Throughout our training, we challenge Program Directors to be intentional in connecting every aspect of a teen mom’s life to Jesus. Because God is her creator, she has been made in His image and with a purpose. We encourage Program Directors to remember that the central role of each teen mom is that of a Seeker. Each mom, like each one of us, will seek something to define who she is and give her a purpose. In her flesh, she will seek money, power, relationships, food, work, (etc.) to define herself. But when she understands who God is and what Jesus did for her, she will begin to realize that her purpose is more significant than those earthly things. When she puts her faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord, He defines her. Through Him, she becomes a child of God. She is adopted, chosen, forgiven, redeemed, and an heir. He transfers her from the kingdom of darkness into His glorious kingdom, and her purpose becomes being Jesus’s ambassador.

We want nothing more than for every teen mom who participates in a Teen Mother Choices Program to understand these truths. While her decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior is between her and Jesus alone, we can proclaim the truths of God’s word over her as a person and her life. By the time she leaves TMC, we are confident she has heard she is loved, created in God’s image, her life has a purpose, and Jesus loved her so much he died for her.

Proud Coach

As TMCI’s original (and only) Training Coach, it’s my privilege to serve as a resource to our Program Directors. During this particularly unique and exhausting period in history, I am very proud of how each Program Director has tackled the obstacles that were placed before them. When meeting in person became unsafe, they met online. When employment hours were lessened, they found ways to support families with supplies and resources. When a teen mom started to become distant, they gently drew her back into their community. When stress seemed to press in on every side, they talked about feelings and provided tools to manage them in a healthy way.

Like so many of you, this is not anything we have ever experienced or could have anticipated. What has impressed me most is seeing how our Program Directors have continued to love the teen moms and their children in word and deed.

Please Pray For Our Ministry

Please pray for Teen Mother Choices International as an organization. Join us in asking God to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. In the midst of the medical, cultural, and spiritual pandemics we’re facing, we need to look to Jesus as our hope and healer. 

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