Welcome To The Blog

Teen Mother Choices Programs offer Hope, Purpose, and a Future to teen girls who made the choice to parent their children. When teen moms work on identified goals, develop supportive mentor relationships, and are involved in safe caring communities, they begin to discover who they were created to be. This is Teen Mother Choices!

Ketra Hancock

When We Don't Do Good, it is Sin

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️ Consider this … Are you ready to be challenged? James 4:17 says it clearly – “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” This isn’t just a nic…

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Ketra Hancock

God's View of Religion

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️ Consider this … God’s view of religion is remarkably different from the world’s view. While the world often sees religion as a set of rules and restrictions, God’s definition of true religion …

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Ketra Hancock

Why Give To TMCI

It has been several years since I was invited to my first TMCI annual dinner.  My wife and I attended through the invitation of a friend who was on the board of directors.  We had limited knowledge of TMCI and how they utilized their resources. As…

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Ketra Hancock

A City on a Hill

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices Consider this … “A city on a hill” is a powerful metaphor that speaks to the transformative impact we’re called to have on the world around us. When Jesus used this phrase, he was challenging his fol…

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Ketra Hancock

Announcing Our Renewed Mission Statement

We’re thrilled to share that Teen Mother Choices® has a renewed mission statement that captures our heart and vision for the future: “Inviting the Church to empower teen moms by demonstrating Christ’s love.” </…

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Ketra Hancock

Jesus Invites Us

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️ Consider this … Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Isn’t that an …

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Ketra Hancock

Jesus Felt Every Emotion We Feel

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices Consider this … Hebrews 4:14-15 tells us that Jesus, the Son of God, is able to sympathize with our weaknesses because He was tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin. This means the f…

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Ketra Hancock

Inspiring Teen Moms Day

Friday, May 31, 2024, was the inaugural Inspiring Teen Moms Day on the National Calendar.

Teen motherhood is often met with stigma and judgment, but we believe these young women possess unparalleled strength and resilience. We have witnessed first…

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Ketra Hancock

Congratulations Makayla!

Please join us in congratulating Makayla for being chosen as TMCI’s 2024 Scholarship Recipient. Her mentor, Marla, nominated her for her dedication to the TMC Program and her education. Makayla has worked hard and has been accepted into a local …

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