Mentor and her teen mom

Did you know …

Did you know … Teen Mother Choices (TMC) Programs have served and supported teen moms since 1989? TMC Programs do NOT serve pregnant teens? TMC Programs serve as the “next step” in the pro-life movement? The mission of TMC Programs is to demonstrate the love of Jesus by coming alongside each teen mom to nurture, instruct, and […]

Did you know …

  • Teen Mother Choices (TMC) Programs have served and supported teen moms since 1989?
  • TMC Programs do NOT serve pregnant teens?
  • TMC Programs serve as the “next step” in the pro-life movement?
  • The mission of TMC Programs is to demonstrate the love of Jesus by coming alongside each teen mom to nurture, instruct, and guide her into becoming a loving, responsible parent and independent contributing member of her community?

TMC Programs seek to inspire and empower teenage women who made the choice to give their children life and then took the next difficult step to parent them.
Every part of the TMC Program is designed to reflect Jesus Christ. Jesus is the founder and finisher of the faith on which TMC Programs are built.

  • Jesus is loving and kind in how he relates to each of us.
  • Jesus provided a way to move each of us from hopelessness to HOPE.
  • Jesus created each of us for a PURPOSE.
  • Jesus has a FUTURE planned for each of us.

This is Teen Mother Choices!

Did you know …

  • Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) exists to train and equip churches and other Christian ministries to offer programs for teen moms in their unique communities?
  • TMCI became its own 501 (c) 3 entity in 2007?
  • TMCI trains and equips TMC Program Directors to implement and manage TMC Programs, through coaching, empowering, and encouraging them throughout their tenure as TMC Program Directors?

This is Teen Mother Choices International!

Learn more about Teen Mother Choices!

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