Hope Is Rising 2020
Planning for our Hope is Rising 2020 event began over a year ago. So when words like 'pandemic' and 'social distancing' started being used just days before our gathering, we…
Planning for our Hope is Rising 2020 event began over a year ago. So when words like 'pandemic' and 'social distancing' started being used just days before our gathering, we…
During this time of "social distancing", God is still drawing near to teen moms through His people! https://vimeo.com/398821021On Friday, March 13, 2020, Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) hosted its Hope…
With 2019 being the 30th Anniversary of the start of Teen Mother Choice, Teen Mother Choices International established two (2) scholarships that would be given out each year; The Teen…
Sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with teen moms has been the commitment of Teen Mother Choices (TMC) since the beginning.
Teen Mother Choices Programs provide teen moms and their children with hope all year long, but Christmas brings extra opportunities to share the hope that is Jesus!
Thank you for helping us bring hope to teen moms all year long!