Where Do We Start?

Where do we start when a teen mom is facing a set of obstacles that seem insurmountable? Where do you begin when a teen mom tells you:
  • She lost her job because she didn’t have reliable childcare
  • She ca…
Where do we start when a teen mom is facing a set of obstacles that seem insurmountable? Where do you begin when a teen mom tells you:
  • She lost her job because she didn’t have reliable childcare
  • She can’t afford to retain her housing without a steady paycheck
  • She needs to finish her education to give her opportunities for better employment
  • She feels buried by her utilities and other bills that are piling up
  • She is losing hope
Before doing anything, we PRAY! We pray with her and for her. We ask God for wisdom to address each issue in a way that honors and glorifies Him. We ask HIm to open the teen mom’s eyes to see Him at work on her behalf. And we pray His people will rise to meet these needs.

Every TMC Mom comes with challenges. It can feel overwhelming to a Program Director to address several obstacles at the same time. But we serve the God of the universe, who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine! Every obstacle is an opportunity to trust God differently and point the teen moms to Him.

The scenario above is based on a teen mom currently in a TMC Program. Shortly after praying with her mentor, she received a call she had been waiting weeks to receive and confidently said,

“God did that!”

Yes. Yes, He did!

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