This is His!

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2  The harvest is HIS. Did you notice that? While he calls us to pray for laborers faithfully, he is responsible for the planting, the growth, […]

And he said to them,
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Luke 10:2 

The harvest is HIS. Did you notice that? While he calls us to pray for laborers faithfully, he is responsible for the planting, the growth, the reaping, the resources, and the allocation.

Over the past several years, TMC Programs have seen a decline in their faithful volunteers. Whether It’s due to social distancing or another factor, finding people to bring a meal, teach a LifeSkills Workshop, or care for the children in childcare has been a stressful component to running a weekly program.

But God doesn’t leave us wanting. He is the Provider. Through his Spirit, he moves in people to give of their time, talents, and treasures. And it’s a beautiful thing when God’s people say “yes” to him and offer what they have for his glory and the good of others. He doesn’t need us to master a talent, be the best speaker, or know the Bible inside and out, and he uses everyday people in ordinary ways to fulfill his glorious purposes.

Is he calling you to invest in someone or something? Are you the laborer that a TMC Program Director is praying for? Visit our website’s ( “Find a Program” page to locate volunteer opportunities near you.

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