Have you ever had someone ask you a question that causes you to stop and re- think everything? Have you ever had two people, who don’t know each other, ask you the same thought-provoking question in the same week?
At the beginning of July, two people who know Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) as well as the Teen Mother Choices (TMC) Program, asked me this question, “Christa, are you as excited about how TMCI trains women to implement the TMC Program as you are about the TMC Program itself?” After being asked the rst time, it did cause me to wonder. When I was asked the exact same question several days later, I realized that it was actually God who was asking me!
Why was that question so important, you ask? Just in case you don’t know, I love the TMC Program because it reects Christ’s heart for the lost, the fatherless, and the widows. Every part of the TMC Program is used to draw the TMC mom and her child closer to Jesus, by utilizing the individual gifts and talents of the Church. Seeing God’s people jump in and serve TMC moms in their community is denitely
exciting for me.
TMCI exists to train women who follow Jesus to implement and manage a TMC Program in their community. While TMCI trains and equips TMC Program Directors, we do so much more! We pray for and with them. We rejoice with them when a teen mom reaches a goal. We encourage them and provide practical assistance when a TMC mom may be struggling with a boyfriend or drug abuse.
As I looked over how TMCI trains TMC Program Directors, I realized TMCI is caring for these women who serve “as unto the Lord” exactly how Jesus wanted us to care for each other! Just as every part of the TMC Program is used to draw the TMC mom closer to Jesus, every part of how TMCI trains and equips women is meant to draw her closer to Jesus and to everyone else associated in this ministry.
So, to answer the question, “Am I as excited about how TMCI trains women to implement the TMC Program as I am about the TMC Program itself?” I believe I am even more excited about TMCI’s training and partnership with TMC Program Directors!
Encouraging and caring for TMC
Program Directors may start with TMCI, but our hearts overflow with joy when TMC Program Directors care for one another. Stephanie Giarritta, a former TMC Program Director in Florida, graciously made a beach bag for each of the TMC Program Directors. Thank you, Stephanie, for your continued love and support of Program Directors and the TMC Program.
Implementing and managing a TMC Program requires financial investment. TMCI takes on a significant portion of the investment through training, equipping, and resourcing the Program Director. Your financial support of TMCI makes it possible for us to serve and equip Program Directors so they in turn can serve and equip the teen moms in their programs!