Jesus Knows How I Felt When I Was Betrayed

This year, as I read through Scripture’s accounts of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection, the betrayal He received from His friend Judas stands out the most to me. From the moment Jesus met Judas, He knew this friend would betray Him. Yet, Jesus loved him and even washed Judas’ feet along with the other disciples’ feet. […]

This year, as I read through Scripture’s accounts of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection, the betrayal He received from His friend Judas stands out the most to me. From the moment Jesus met Judas, He knew this friend would betray Him. Yet, Jesus loved him and even washed Judas’ feet along with the other disciples’ feet. The betrayal went so deep, that Judas even identified Jesus with a kiss!

I have felt the sting of being betrayed by those I loved. When I first met them, I didn’t know they would betray our friendship, but Jesus did. Jesus knew the pain I would feel. He knew how bad it hurt because He experienced betrayal Himself on a much deeper level! Jesus never retaliated against the one who betrayed Him! My Redeemer, Savior, and friend, Jesus, willing experienced betrayal and every earthly pain, including the unimaginable pain of crucifixion … “yet without sin.”

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15 NIV

While Judas’ betrayal of my Savior, Jesus Christ hits me especially hard this Easter, I see how Jesus chose to respond to the betrayal. Jesus desires for me to love and forgive those who betrayed me. It’s in forgiving them that I find true freedom.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for living a perfect life without sin, your death, and your resurrection. Thank you for forgiving me for all the ways I’ve betrayed you.

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