Congratulations on your graduation from TMC, Diana and Taland!

As the 2022-2023 LifeSkills Workshop year ends, many of our programs celebrate teen moms graduating from the TMC Program. Some have finished their schooling and are ready to set off on their own independently. For others, they sense it’s their time to step away to make room for the next teen mom to benefit from […]

As the 2022-2023 LifeSkills Workshop year ends, many of our programs celebrate teen moms graduating from the TMC Program. Some have finished their schooling and are ready to set off on their own independently. For others, they sense it’s their time to step away to make room for the next teen mom to benefit from TMC. Diana and Taland, two TMC-Cedar Lake Program moms, have accomplished some important goals and are ready for the next chapter of their stories.

Taland and DianaDiana and Taland received TMCI’s Program Participant Scholarship and used those funds to graduate from college. They’ve also paid off all their debt, established savings accounts, purchased new vehicles, and obtained full-time employment! Congratulations, Diana and Taland! We are very proud of all you’ve accomplished.

Thank you, TMC-Cedar Lake, for faithfully serving these young women, believing in them, supporting them as they made and achieved their goals, and pointing them to the One who loves them most.

Would you also pray for Diana, Taland, our other TMC graduates, and the TMC Program Directors who dedicate so much time to loving and serving these women in Jesus’ name?

If you know of a young mom between the ages of 13-23 who is parenting her children and would benefit from participating in a TMC Program or are a church interested in bringing the program to your community, please visit our website at

Thank You!

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