Why Give To TMCI

It has been several years since I was invited to my first TMCI annual dinner.  My wife and I attended through the invitation of a friend who was on the board of directors.  We had limited knowledge of TMCI and how they utilized their resources. As...

It has been several years since I was invited to my first TMCI annual dinner.  My wife and I attended through the invitation of a friend who was on the board of directors.  We had limited knowledge of TMCI and how they utilized their resources.

As we went through the evening the reasons for donating became crystal clear to both my wife and I.  When we left, we were blown away by the stories from the women who had been through the TMCI program and were able to continue their education, earn degrees, and become self-sufficient members of society.  Many of the TMCI graduates go on to become professional women, including doctors and lawyers.

At the end of the evening, it was obvious to us that we wanted to be a part of the positive generational impact the TMCI program has on these young women and their children.  In nearly every metric the girls who attended outperformed their non-attending counterparts.  From graduation percentage to gainful employment and many other categories.

When we look around our world today, there are all kinds of causes asking for our money.  We have our bills that we need to pay to survive, rent, house payment, groceries, fuel for the car, unexpected expenses like medical care.  We also have the things we want to do like vacations, saving for our children’s college education, retirement, etc. There are a lot of places we can choose from to spend our money.

You may ask yourself, why would I want to give my hard earned and much needed money to a young woman who became pregnant through no fault of mine and should have known better?  Afterall, isn’t that why the government created SNAP, Welfare, Aid for Dependent Children, etc.?

Let me share many reasons why your donation is a worthwhile investment.  You can help change the future of the next generation.

  1. By giving you will help a teen mom finish high school
  2. By giving you will help a teen mom further her education beyond high school
  3. By giving you will help a teen mom stop having out of wedlock children
  4. By giving you will help a teen mom become self-reliant and not reliant on the government
  5. By giving you will help a teen mom find a better job/career and provide for her young family
  6. By giving you will help a teen mom make a generational change that will impact her family in a positive way for years to come

These are just a handful of reasons why your financial investment in TMCI would be a good idea.  If you want to make a positive difference in our world, please consider donating to TMCI and the TMC programs that teach and inspire young women to make the most of their lives! By doing so you will make an investment for today and tomorrow!

Written by Bob Bly

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