“Why are you giving me a card?”

Several years ago, I handed a teen mom a Mother’s Day card. She reluctantly took it and said, “Why are you giving me a card? I don’t deserve a Mother’s Day card.” Even as I write this, tears fill my eyes. I wish I could say her response was an isolated one. Unfortunately, it is […]

Several years ago, I handed a teen mom a Mother’s Day card. She reluctantly took it and said, “Why are you giving me a card? I don’t deserve a Mother’s Day card.”

Even as I write this, tears fill my eyes. I wish I could say her response was an isolated one. Unfortunately, it is not. When Mother’s Day comes around, teen moms often struggle with believing they are worthy of being celebrated.

Teen Mother Choices International (TMC International) believes teen moms who made the life choice to parent their children are deserving of a Mother’s Day card and gift! Mother’s Day is one more day to communicate to teen moms that we see them and are committed to walking with them on this life journey!

Earlier this week, TMC International offered ministry partners the opportunity to have TMC International send a special Mother’s Day basket to each teen mom involved in a TMC Program. After being thanked for her donation, one individual responded,

“Mothering is difficult under the best of circumstances! I hope whoever she (teen mom) is, she feels just a bit of love while doing the hardest job ever!”

Would you prayerfully consider sending love and honor to a teen mom this Mother’s Day?

Go to Mother’s Day Basket Donation Form

(Each Mother’s Day basket contains: a special Scentsy Mother’s Day Flower Infusor, 2 hand-made potholders [crocheted by a 90-year-old woman who prayed for the teen moms as she crocheted], a special TMC mug, and a gas card.)



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