Whether it’s $2 or ink cartridges, they all come from the hand of God

This morning, I came across a Facebook post from TMCI Licensee, Still Waters Pregnancy Resource Center.  On Facebook, Still Waters thanked God for the anonymous donor who graciously gifted them with printer ink cartridges. Shortly after Teen Mother Choices (TMC) began, I received a letter from an elderly gentleman who wanted me to know that […]

This morning, I came across a Facebook post from TMCI Licensee, Still Waters Pregnancy Resource Center.  On Facebook, Still Waters thanked God for the anonymous donor who graciously gifted them with printer ink cartridges.

Shortly after Teen Mother Choices (TMC) began, I received a letter from an elderly gentleman who wanted me to know that he was praying for the ministry.  He prayed that we would stay faithful to sharing the love of Jesus with teen moms and their children.  Along with this kind letter, came a financial gift of $2.

I never wanted to forget the kindness of that man so I framed the two dollars.  All these years later they still sit on a shelf in my office.  They remain a gentle reminder that every gift donated to ministry, whether ink cartridges or a financial gift … big or small … comes from the hand of God. We are grateful for each one.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17

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