Meet Team TMCI

Linda Trump
Team TMCI Lead Runner

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Kristin McElmurry

Training & Communications Director

After graduating from Bethel College with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, Kristin became the first Director of Student Services (now known as Program Director) for Teen Mother Choices (TMC) in Arlington Heights, Illinois.  

Kathy Goles
Licensing Director
Kathy joined the Teen Mother Choices (TMC) International team in 2019, and currently serves as their Licensing Director, working with people who want to start a TMC Program in their community. 


Amanda Mika

Executive Assistant
Amanda Mika stepped in the role of Executive Assistant in August of 2021. Amanda lives in Gurnee, Illinois with her husband and two children. She and her family attend Village Church of Gurnee, where she serves in a variety of ministries.