Bringing Hope Into View Offering Purpose Changing the Future
TMC is a faith-based program designed to encourage, equip, and support teen moms, ages 13 through 23, who have already given birth and who have courageously chosen to parent their child.

Readiness Survey for
Governing Bodies
Are you interested in learning more about bringing the Teen Mother Choices Program to your community? By completing this short survey, you will introduce your church or existing organization to Teen Mother Choices International and provide insight into how God led you to the Teen Mother Choices Program.

Readiness Survey for
Individual Program Directors
If you sense God may be calling you to start a TMC Program in your community, click here to complete a short online survey. This survey is designed for TMC International to learn more about you and learn more about the TMC Program and us. If you’re an individual interested in working with TMCI, fill out the form below.
Feasibility Study
A TMCI Training Coach will work with you throughout the Feasibility Study. It takes approximately 3 – 6 months to interview and complete this step. Within the Feasibility Study, there are three sections:
- Services – researching the number of teen moms are in your community, what services are currently offered to teen moms in your community and what services are lacking.
- Cost – how much will it cost you and your church or existing ministry to serve teen moms in your community.
- Volunteers – how many volunteers will you need to serve seven (7) teen moms in your community
From Application To Graduation
This course is designed to outline the process a teen mom goes through during her time in a TMC Program. From her initial interest in the program through sending her off to the next chapter of her life, the TMC Program wants to meet her where she is at and help get her where she wants to go. Through identifying and completing goals and learning about financial independence, a TMC mom will be better equipped to face life’s challenges and have renewed hope for the future.
Understanding the partnership between the TMC Program Director, her governing body, and TMC International helps clarify how these pieces fit together to create a healthy working relationship. As each group’s “lane” is clearly defined, they can walk together in unity of mission and purpose.
Managing Volunteers
Volunteers are vital to the success of the TMC Program. To effectively serve seven teen moms at a time, a TMC Program needs more than 100 people to give of their time. Some may choose to provide a meal once a year, provide child care once a month, or attend weekly as a mentor. This program is at its best when the Body of Christ works together to support and encourage the teen moms and TMC staff.
Raising Awareness and Cultivating Donors
Sharing the TMC Program will open the eyes of potential volunteers and financial donors to the opportunities available to use their time, talents, and resources to serve teen moms. In addition, by making these relationships a priority, you establish a foundation for serving together for years to come.
LifeSkills Workshops
LifeSkills Workshops provide hands-on training by skilled volunteers and are tailored to meet the specific developmental needs of the TMC moms within each program. Each workshop trains and equips teen moms with the life-long skills needed to become loving, responsible parents and independent functioning adults.
Developing Mentors
The one-to-one mentor relationship is the heartbeat of the TMC Program. TMC mentors are role models who nurture, guide, encourage, and celebrate with their teen moms. Long-lasting bonds are formed between the teen mom and her mentor as their relationship develops over time.
This Is Teen Mother Choices
All teen moms who participate in a TMC program receive:
- A one-to-one mentor and coach
- Assistance in setting and achieving short and long-term goals
- Life skills training through weekly LifeSkills Workshops
- Generous support through the Incentives Program
Setting Goals
Goal setting equips each TMC mom to target goals in 4 major life areas: physical, financial, educational/career, and personal. TMC moms and mentors meet weekly to track goals, assess progress and determine the next course of action