We Are Here For YOU
Today, there are Teen Mother Choices programs around the US; however, there may not currently be one in your community. Because our desire is for you to become the woman and mother God created you to be, we’d like to recommend some other programs to teen moms. Perhaps one of these is near you and can help you be successful and filled you with hope for the future.
Please remember…You are NOT alone. We are here for you!
Other Resources
Additional Programs
“More than 20 years ago, Young Life answered God’s call to run headfirst into the chaos of teenage motherhood with the hope of Jesus … and YoungLives was born. YoungLives has never wavered from the original vision to reach teen moms by entering their world, modeling the unconditional love of Christ, and encouraging them to become the women and mothers God created them to be. Through Young Life’s time-tested methods and life-on-life mentoring, teen moms are empowered to make positive choices, set and achieve goals, and live a future rooted in Christ.” (excerpt taken from their website)
“Parent Life reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children through intentional relationships with trained adults and community partnerships, empowering the teens to make good choices and encouraging them to further their education and move toward independent living and become life-long followers of Jesus Christ.” (excerpt from their website)