
“TMC has enabled me to do what I love and have a life and family that gives me so much joy. None of this would have been possible without TMC.” Taylor was 14 years old with a 3-month-old baby when she joined TMC. With love and support, TMC supported her for five years, enabling her […]

“TMC has enabled me to do what I love and have a life and family that gives me so much joy. None of this would have been possible without TMC.”

Taylor was 14 years old with a 3-month-old baby when she joined TMC. With love and support, TMC supported her for five years, enabling her to graduate from high school and cosmetology school. Even when she began working full-time, TMC was there to help ensure she could stand independently. Today, she is married with two more children and working in the job she loves. Her daughter has also graduated from high school and now works as a medical assistant. Her 2nd daughter graduated from college and is working toward a Master’s in Business Administration. Taylor’s son graduated from high school and is a freshman in college.

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