Taking Back the Land We Willingly Gave Away

I'm Christa March with Teen Mother Choices Consider this ... The time has come for Christians to take back the land we willingly gave away. For too long, we have abdicated our responsibility to care for t...

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices

Consider this …
The time has come for Christians to take back the land we willingly gave away. For too long, we have abdicated our responsibility to care for the vulnerable and needy in our communities. When a Pastor dismisses the plight of a teen mom and her child, citing the existence of a homeless shelter, it is a clear indication that we have strayed from the commands of God’s word.

The Bible is very clear in its instruction to care for the fatherless and the widow. Yet, we have allowed the government to shoulder this burden, outsourcing God’s commands to secular institutions.

It is our responsibility as the body of Christ to be the hands and feet of Jesus, providing refuge, restoration, and redemption to those in desperate need.

To learn more about Teen Mother Choices, visit our website at teenmotherchoices.org

Consider this is a production of Moody Radio

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