Our New Executive Director

Linda Crump has agreed to step into TMCI’s Executive Director role. As a former Teen Mother Choices (TMC) participant and a current TMCI Board Member, Linda is very familiar with both programs and is passionate about seeing both ministries grow. Throughout her career, Linda has experienced steady growth and opportunities to step out of what […]

Linda Crump has agreed to step into TMCI’s Executive Director role. As a former Teen Mother Choices (TMC) participant and a current TMCI Board Member, Linda is very familiar with both programs and is passionate about seeing both ministries grow.

Throughout her career, Linda has experienced steady growth and opportunities to step out of what is comfortable to help move her company and co-workers forward. As a teen mom, Linda learned the importance of planning for the future and has applied those skills in her career. She has also seen how God has used her corporate experiences to prepare her for the role of Executive Director. While public speaking isn’t Linda’s favorite thing to do, her job has required her to speak before her company’s executive panel. “God keeps putting me in positions where I need to lean on Him and trust Him.” She can see how those opportunities have better prepared her for her Executive Director position.

While the Executive Director role will be a five-hour-per-week volunteer position, Linda has exciting endeavors she wants to tackle. She would like to visit TMC Programs to build relationships with their Program Director and governing bodies. She is also interested in establishing a Flagship TMC Program in Northern IL/Southern Wisconsin. This location would offer potential ministry partners the opportunity to visit a weekly LifeSkills Workshop, talk with a Program Director about her experience, and meet with TMCI staff. Finally, she would like to work toward establishing a means of reconnecting with TMC Alumni, mentors, and volunteers.

Linda shared how she reminds herself that “we can’t let fear stop us!” She is bringing that mindset and commitment to her role as Executive Director, and we know God will use her for His glory and the good of TMCI & TMC!

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