One Last Glance at 2022

The New Year, 2023, has arrived, and before looking with excitement toward all God may have in store for us, Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) wants to take one last look at 2022. We are grateful for all God has done in 2022! He provided a $30,000 Matching Gift opportunity that brought in nearly $10,000 […]

The New Year, 2023, has arrived, and before looking with excitement toward all God may have in store for us, Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) wants to take one last look at 2022.

We are grateful for all God has done in 2022!

  • He provided a $30,000 Matching Gift opportunity that brought in nearly $10,000 more than we anticipated!
  • He brought other organizations and groups to “sponsor” portions of the Christmas Stockings TMCI gifted each TMC Mom and her child(ren)! (Thank you, Connecting Threads of Village Church of Gurnee and Appalachian Clay of Asheville, NC!)
  • Three (3) new communities decided to become TMC Programs, Cedar Lake, IN, DeMotte, IN, and Munster, IN! TMC Cedar Lake completed its training and started serving teen moms in Fall of 2022. The other two communities are currently completing their training and hope to begin serving teen moms in a few months.
  • TMC Kankakee Program, after putting the program on hold during COVID, will begin serving teen moms in January of 2023!

These are just a few ways God blessed TMCI in 2022. Thank YOU for partnering with us. Your faithful prayer support keeps us focused on being the hope of Jesus Christ to communities through the Teen Mother Choices Program. Your financial support again allowed us to exceed our Matching Gift Campaign. We pledge to you and God to be good stewards of the funds He brought through you.

Thank you for glancing back to 2022 with us. All praise goes to God, and it is all for His glory!

Happy New Year!

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