It takes a Church

You've probably heard the saying, "It takes a village ..." On this 35th Anniversary of Teen Mother Choices, we can definitively say, "It takes the Church to serve teen moms!" Since 1989, the Body of Christ has come along...
You’ve probably heard the saying, “It takes a village …” On this 35th Anniversary of Teen Mother Choices, we can definitively say, “It takes the Church to serve teen moms!”
Since 1989, the Body of Christ has come alongside teen moms and assisted them towards independence.
  • Hundreds of teen moms have witnessed the love of Jesus in word and deed.
  • Teen moms have walked into Teen Mother Choices Programs expecting words of judgment and condemnation but instead heard words of encouragement, support, affirmation, and words that focused on Christ’s love for her.
  • Teen moms have walked into Teen Mother Choices Programs without knowing how to navigate the many obstacles that hinder them from becoming independent. Once they join, they discover people willing to do whatever needs to be done to serve them! One former TMC mom said, “Every time I had a problem, TMC found someone to help me solve it!”
From its start, TMC believed every person within the Body of Christ had something to offer a teen mom and her child! 1 Peter 4:10 says, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (NLT)
TMC Programs meet weekly from September through May, requiring many volunteers!
  • Since 1989:
    • Hundreds of home-cooked meals have been served.
    • Teachers, lawyers, car mechanics, nurses, financial advisors, and many other “experts” have shared their experience and knowledge as speakers.
    • Individuals of all ages have loved on and cared for the children of TMC moms during LifeSkills Workshops.
After 35 years of serving teen moms, we are more convinced than ever that the Church is the only organization truly equipped to serve them and their children.
Thank you for partnering with us!

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