Greg Krumes - A Man Who Loved People with Gospel Fire

For many years, Greg Krumes loved and supported the ministry of Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI). He attended TMCI events, provided financial support, and, most importantly, prayed for this ministry.

Several years ago, Greg survived a stro…

For many years, Greg Krumes loved and supported the ministry of Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI). He attended TMCI events, provided financial support, and, most importantly, prayed for this ministry.

Several years ago, Greg survived a stroke that left him with considerable pain and caused him to walk with a cane. Despite his physical limitations, Greg never stopped sharing his love for Jesus Christ with anyone and everyone he met.

During the summer of 2023, I sensed God’s prompting to contact Greg. Imagine my surprise to see Greg and his wife in the pew in front of me one Sunday morning! After the service, Greg and I spoke and scheduled a coffee meeting later that week. Greg and I share a love of coffee!

During our meeting, I heard Greg’s passion for sharing the Gospel. He referred to it as a “Gospel Fire.” Greg’s love for the Gospel and people was his purpose in life. At our October Annual Meeting, the TMCI Board agreed to ask Greg to serve as our Pastoral Consultant. Greg was looking forward to reaching out to local pastors to invite them to partner with TMCI in bringing the hope of Jesus Christ to teen moms and their children.

God’s plans for Greg were different than ours. On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, He called Greg home to heaven. Greg is now worshiping his Lord and Savior face-to-face without pain. While my soul rejoices for Greg, my heart hurts knowing I will no longer work with him.

The Gospel Fire Greg spoke about is contagious and energizing. God used it to re-energize me! As a result of this fire, Greg shared how he wanted to see more churches serve teen moms. One of the last things Greg told me was:
“There’s work to do … Let’s roll!”

May we recognize the work God is calling us to do and share in Greg’s passion to reach people with the Gospel!

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