God Called Linda, and She Answered

For months, Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) has shared our excitement and support for Linda Crump as she trained to run the Chicago Marathon. As a former TMC participant an…

For months, Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) has shared our excitement and support for Linda Crump as she trained to run the Chicago Marathon. As a former TMC participant and TMCI’s Executive Director, Linda wanted to use the marathon to promote TMCI and raise funds for future locations. We are thrilled that Linda completed the race on October 8, 2023, and shaved off 20 minutes from her previous time. She ran for 5 hours and 58 minutes! What an accomplishment!

Through her efforts and God’s moving in His people to give, her goal of raising $10,000 was met and surpassed! To date, more than $11,000 has been raised.

God provided financially for Linda and faithfully sustained her through hot summer days, long runs, and increased body aches. Linda shared how she felt the prayers of God’s people when she needed them most. Through His Spirit, God gently reminded Linda of how pleased He was with her and used music to keep her eyes fixed on Him.

Not everyone is called to run a marathon to raise awareness for a ministry, but God called Linda, and she answered. He used her training and race to demonstrate His sufficiency, faithfulness, and generosity to Linda and us!

God Is Good!

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