Announcing Our Renewed Mission Statement

We're thrilled to share that Teen Mother Choices® has a renewed mission statement that captures our heart and vision for the future: "Inviting the Church to empower teen moms by demonstrating Christ's love." </...

We’re thrilled to share that Teen Mother Choices® has a renewed mission statement that captures our heart and vision for the future:

“Inviting the Church to empower teen moms by demonstrating Christ’s love.”

This statement reflects our passion to see the Body of Christ come alongside young mothers and envelop them with the transformative love of Jesus. We believe that when we demonstrate the compassion and grace of our Savior, teen moms will be empowered to overcome their circumstances and write a new story for themselves and their families.

We’re excited that you are a part of this mission. We can’t wait to invite more people within the Church to partner with us in this meaningful work! Together, let’s show teen moms that they are seen, valued, and supported as they navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood. When we unite to put Christ’s love into action, lives will be changed for generations to come.

Thank you for being part of this important work. We can’t wait to see what God has in store.

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