Do You Have Beautiful Feet?

I'm Christa March with Teen Mother Choices. Consider this ... Do you have beautiful feet? The prophet Isaiah declares, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who ...

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices.

Consider this …

Do you have beautiful feet?

The prophet Isaiah declares, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news.” This powerful imagery conveys the transformative impact of those who carry the message of the Gospel.

If we are “walking” in the peace of the Gospel, our feet are beautiful because we approach every situation, every interaction, from a place of peace. This peace is not of this world; it is a supernatural peace that transcends understanding. When we walk in the Gospel, it transforms our demeanor and our words, allowing us to be ambassadors of reconciliation, reflecting the love and compassion of our Savior.

So walk confidently, knowing that as you walk in the peace found only in the Gospel, your feet are beautiful in the sight of God. Let the peace of Christ be the foundation for every step you take.

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Consider this is a production of Moody Radio

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