Naaman - A Man Like Us

I'm Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️ Consider this ... Naaman's story in 2 Kings chapter 5 is a cautionary tale for us all. Though he was a powerful army commander, Naaman suffered from leprosy. He also suffered from the human tenden...

I’m Christa March with Teen Mother Choices®️

Consider this …
Naaman’s story in 2 Kings chapter 5 serves as a cautionary tale for us all. Though he was a powerful army commander, Naaman suffered from leprosy. He was also not exempt from the human tendency to question and resist God’s instructions. When told to wash in the humble river Jordan, Naaman scoffed, believing there were better, cleaner options available.

This reaction is all too familiar – we seek God’s help but then we try to dictate to Him how He should provide the help!

God’s ways are higher than our own – if we truly seek His help, we must submit to His plan, no matter how it differs from our own preferences. Only then can we experience the full healing and restoration that He has in store.

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Consider this is a production of Moody Radio

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