This Is Teen Mother Choices!

During this time of "social distancing", God is still drawing near to teen moms through His people!

On Friday, March 13, 2020, Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) hosted its Hope is Rising 2020 event. If you joined us for that special evening…thank you! If you were not able to attend, we’re excited to share one of the many highlights of the event; our new “This is Teen Mother Choices!” video! Since the fall of 2019, Sue Thomas (TMCI Board Member) and her husband, Chuck, have worked diligently with Sleeping Bear Audio to create this beautiful video.

Our prayer is that you will be as blessed by it as those who attended Hope is Rising 2020.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting us all. We’re encouraged to quarantine ourselves, and if we do have to go out, stay 6 feet away from others, i.e., social distancing. While this is a difficult time for all, it can be especially challenging for teen moms. Several Teen Mother Choices Program Directors have informed us the teen moms they serve are struggling to purchase diapers, baby wipes, and formula.

From March 13, 2020, until April 13, 2020, donations made to the “Emergency Assistance for Teen Moms” fund will go to our Program Directors who will pass the resources along to their young moms.

Please prayerfully consider helping teen moms with the necessities they need to care for their children.
