2023 Teen Mother Choices Scholarship Recipient

Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) is thrilled to announce Leslie Galvan as the 2023 Teen Mother Choices Program Participant Scholarship recipient! This scholarship is valued at $1,500! Leslie was nominated by her mentor, Kristen Behrens, at TMC-Hope Collective in Lake Zurich, IL. Kristen shared that Leslie is newer to the program but came with her […]

Teen Mother Choices International (TMCI) is thrilled to announce Leslie Galvan as the 2023 Teen Mother Choices Program Participant Scholarship recipient! This scholarship is valued at $1,500!

Leslie was nominated by her mentor, Kristen Behrens, at TMC-Hope Collective in Lake Zurich, IL. Kristen shared that Leslie is newer to the program but came with her eyes fixed on her goals. Before applying for college, Leslie accomplished goals surrounding her mental and physical health. She also applied for and has held a job since the Fall. Finally, she has worked with her Financial Counselor to create a budget she is sticking to!

Kristen (TMC Mentor) and her Mentee, Leslie.

Leslie’s career goal is to become an Ultrasound Technician. This program is intense, but Kristen has watched her show tenacity and grit to follow through on the things that matter most. Leslie has picked a program, applied for FAFSA, attended an informational session, and applied to Harper College.

As an Ultrasound Technician, Leslie wants to be a part of a mother’s journey toward bringing healthy babies into the world. This desire and goal is something TMCI is excited to help foster through this scholarship sponsored by Great Lakes Credit Union.

Congratulations, Leslie! Keep working hard. We know you can do it! And we look forward to seeing how God will use you in the lives of other mothers in the future.

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